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Cell Phone and Smart Watch Policy

Midas Creek Elementary’s Cell Phone and Watch Policy

It is school policy that students should not be using their phones or watches during school hours for any reason. This includes rotations, recess, and lunchtime. If your child is contacting you on their device, please remind them of the rules and have them come to the office to call. Consequences for students being on their device are as follows;

1st Offense: The device is brought to the office, guardians are notified, and the student may pick up the device at the end of the school day. 

2nd Offense & After: The device is brought to the office, guardians are notified, and guardians need to pick up the device at the end of the school day. 

We understand that there are times parents need to remind their child of things, please know you can call the main office and we will get the message to them so that their device doesn’t ring during the school day.

*Please note that during tests, many teachers require all smartwatches to be placed in backpacks.